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Word of Life Fellowship Ministries, Inc.
No Woman Left Behind Christian Actâ„¢

The phrase, No Woman Left Behind Christian Act™, is a concept that stems from a personal journey that began for me June 2000 as a result of feeling left behind in the local church.  

This may sound cruel, but this is my truth.  I don't think it was intentional by those in the local church. Nonetheless, it's been a long road that God continues to heal me from.  As it turns out as only God does, He takes what we consider messes in our lives to transform them into messages.  God revealed to me, May 2016, that this concept has been driving me, and at the core of this ministry He's called me to.   

The beauty in serving God though is as I am reminded -- God is a multipurpose, multidimensional God. That means as we give, He will give back.  That's just God.  When we help someone, God helps us.  Look to God for our help, and be open to how God gives back. 

That said, I'm called to serve and support forthcoming and seasoned female mininstry leaders. Female ministry leaders (many women in general) have a tendency to go it alone; not lone rangers, but go it alone in private matters that may be perceived as making them weak or vulnerable.  And while this may be true, nonetheless, it places them at-risk for so many unfortunate situations and circumstances happening to her.  In many instances, it's later than sooner that the woman leader realizes she is in this position, because she is sooo busy putting out other people fires ... only to suffer burn out, quitting, and ultimately throwing in the towel without ever recognizing when God has thrown the towel back to her.

I know firsthand about burn out, quitting and throwing in the towel.  The enemy thought I would never recover nor return, but God showed differently.  I wondered would my dry bones ever live again ...

Women, this is real talk here.  Regardless of the spiritual stage or the physical age, in reality, many female ministry leaders are drowning in many cases even without her knowing it ... Therefore, she is an easy target to be LEFT BEHIND ... 

No Woman -- Left Behind -- Christian Act ... speaks volumes ...  

I know firsthand life can hit us hard more than we'd like to admit with unexpected challenges that makes us want to abandon the very help that's not only available to us, but at our fingertips.

But allow me to encourage us all with three very key Scripture references that has come to mind that can combat being left behind more than we realize:

1) the woman with the issue of blood was at her wits end, nothing left, pressed her way through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus garment for her healing (Matthew 9:20-22).  Sometimes a Sister just have to press through in spite of and because of.  In our weakness, God said His strength IS made perfect.

2) Jude verse 23 says that sometimes we have to snatch others out of the fire.  Sisters, sometimes, we gotta do what we gotta do, and that means we have to snatch some Sisters out of the fire they're in as God instructs us to do so.  Otherwise, they'd never get out of the mess they're in.

3) four men opened up the roof where Jesus was to lower a paralytic man down to receive his healing because the crowd was too great for them to get through (Luke 5:18-20).  Sisters, sometimes it takes a group to bring another Sister to the throne of God.

Of the three (3), which one above best describes you or someone you know?  Although we may not be able to save every woman, No Woman Left Behind Christian Act
 means an earnest effort should be made to meet a Sister where they are ... 

And of course, if every attempt has been made unsuccessfully through the practical acts of the Scriptures stated above to meet a Sister where she's at, the fervent effective prayer of a righteous person avails much (James 5:16) when our hands have been tied ...  

Everybody won't be saved because they won't choose to give their whole heart and life to Jesus. Still at least, let's give it our best effort to win them anyway as God leads ... Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to be left behind?  Would you want someone to give up hope on you?

As Christ followers, no woman should be left behind in the body of Christ.  But if I was left behind in the local church, how many more women are out here that still are?  What can we do to help Sisters, female ministry leaders, to re-ignite their faith enough to move forward in their relationship with Jesus?  

One way is to take the 8 Weeks Spiritual Boot Camp Training Program.  It's been tried, tested and God-approved, and a proven training program to jumpstart your relationship with Jesus AND/OR reacquaint you to Jesus in a way you've always dreamed of knowing Him and being known by Him.

No woman should be left behind especially if she's a Christ follower.  This is our Christian Act of service ... No Woman Left Behind Christian Act™.