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Word of Life Fellowship Ministries, Inc.
Home Page

Welcome to our ministry website! 

To get you started, below is who we are, what we do, how we do it, why we do it, when we do it, and where we do it ...

We call it the 5 W's and 1 H in ministry service, but not necessarily in that order ...  

Who We Are ... 

We are Word of Life Fellowship Ministries (WLFM), Inc., a para-support, non-denominational, non-traditional, multicultural mobile teaching outreach ministry. 

What We Do ...

WLFM, Inc. support leaders and those in-between by zeroing-in on very specific, key issues that require extra attention to details our microwave-driven society ordinarily overlook perhaps downright ignore.   

Leaders carry enormous burdens leading others. However, to avoid burnout and to thrive in ministry relations, leaders must remember to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12b). This is done by exemplifying themselves as disciples of Christ first while making disciples of Christ as Jesus commanded the disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). 

The Women of Service™ initiative, our flagship ministry, is at the forefront to serving the whole family where service to the woman is first regardless of her leadership capacity. Women leaders who truly follow after God's own heart will oftentimes stand out in every way--not as the typical strong power-looking woman one can pick out in a crowd--but rather, through displaying genuine fruit of the Spirit that is grounded in a deep-seated relationship with Jesus Christ most people overlook.

How We Do It ... 

WLFM, Inc. teach foundational biblical truths from God's Word, the Holy Bible, through diverse practical delivery systems for everyday living such as: 

... focused subject-matter conferences ... holistic small group teaching and training ... personal one-on-one teaching and training ... engaged teleconferences ... interactive online teachings ... endearing mentorships ... popping retreats ... and NOW our most recent first of its kind, blistering surefire hot 8 Weeks Spiritual Boot Camp training program. 

Why We Do It ... 

Producing transformed lives that bring glory and honor to God is what drives us.  We kick up the dirt, send the adversary packing, and hang a 'Closed' sign on the door of our hearts to anything and everything sent to detract or distract from what God's divine plan is for our individual lives ... which incidentally may look a wee bit different from the people we know and serve with, professionally and personally. 

We encouragingly teach women leaders to discover their self-worth in God by submitting their will to God. That they are not only important, but vital to God, and everyone connected to them.  In fact, we believe and teach a total dependence on God drives home the true meaning of establishing and maintaining a deeply committed and intimate relationship in Jesus Christ.  This is what develops a strong woman of character in the Lord who bears much fruit.  God can do this in ALL of us if we obey Him ... 

Our other motivation is to help women altogether return to the rightful position God intended at creation -- no longer blaming the enemy for her downfall, but taking full responsibility and being accountable and open to God for loving correction.

When We Do It ... 

We are purely led by God as the need arises through referrals mostly ... You can only imagine, many people are in lots of pain, and who hurt deeply, but are ashamed in most cases to reach out for help until crisis mode.  That's why we're here.  We understand crisis mode probably better than the average.  Even in crisis mode, our firm aim is to help identify God in the crisis.

If how we do what we do here at WLFM, Inc. so far resonates with you, then by all means reach out to us.

Where We Do It ...

The most exciting part about growing into where God has us today is that we are mobile which means we can come to you.  With an initial consult to determine if what we do here at WLFM, Inc. clearly meets the needs during that consult, a time can be scheduled to meet face-to-face.  It's just that simple!

Connecting With Others ...

Sometimes we can't help those who call on us directly, but the BONUS is WLFM, Inc. is CONNECTED to other specialized ministries ranging from Chaplains to MDs to PhDs to Licensed Christian Counselors to Social Workers to ministry CEOs/Presidents/Founders who probably can.  Our reach is expansive for trench work.

God ALONE can heal us, but oftentimes He chooses us in His body to participate in the process. Being the CONNECTORS we are, we will not stop until we find the right connection for those in need, which also exemplifies WLFM, Inc. fulfilling God's call for all Christ followers to work in tandem as the body of Christ. This is an exciting time to be serving the Lord!  

Reach out to us if you believe we can be of service or connect you to someone who can ... As Christ followers, no one should be left behind.

Thank you again for visiting our ministry website ... Check back with us often.